In A World Where Art Screams…Mentality Listens

Posts tagged ‘Veteran’

New York Times #1 Best Seller…For Poetry?


Imagine going into a bookstore, choosing a book, opening it up, and discovering that YOU are the main character!  Truth-filled words will take ou to a whole different level of poetry.  Written by a former Marine and a current disabled veteran, Mentality Listens is truly one of a kind.  You will never find a book like this one.

Venus Angelica Perez grew up in Bensonhurst, New York.  to cope with her disabilities, she expresses her pain through different forms of artwork including photography, painting, and drawing.  Book one of her upcoming release, a Christian Mafia Trilogy series, will be available in 2012.  For more information on the author, please visit her main website at

You can purchase this book by CLICKING HERE to order it from CreateSpace where she will receive the majority of royalties from your purchase, or, for a more convenient route, purchase by CLICKING HERE to order it from  The First Edition is still available at this time.  The Second Edition, to include a new poem added due to her sister’s surgery, will be available on shortly.

It is NOT a New York Times #1 Best Seller, but purchase the book and see if it should be!

The poems below are excerpts.  Please enjoy the preview.