In A World Where Art Screams…Mentality Listens


My Beautiful Sister, Sarah Rose Greene

As you may already know, at the end of February I had to rush down to Florida to be with my sister during her surgery.  She had 88 degree scoliosis, which is extremely bad because one side of her rib cage was sitting on her hip and the other side was close to pressing up against her heart, lungs and other internal organs.  She had no choice but to undergo corrective spine surgery in order to attempt to straighten her spine as best they could.

They ended up using two very long rods and over thirty screws to put her spine as straight as they were able to.  It is not perfectly straight, but if I had to guess, It is probably as straight as mine, if not, better than mine.  In other words, they did a fantastic job!

I must say that my sister had no clue what she was walking into.  I explained to her how major the surgery is.  Even now, she is just understanding what comes with a major back surgery…depression, anxiety, immobility, loneliness…that empty feeling that nobody understands what you are going through.  But I thank God that He put me through years of suffering so that I could be there for my little sister.  She actually had someone there who really knew what she was going through, who understood her pain and frustration.  Even now, she calls me, telling me she wishes I was there with her.  But it’s not about me.

How do you get someone who is going through such a hard time in their life to focus on God?  How do you get that person to look to Jesus instead of looking to family members, doctors, medication, teachers…friends?  The only thing that we can do is pray for them.  And be there for them.  I published my first book specifically for my sister.  It is not the first book I wrote, nor was I planning on publishing my poetry.  But when I heard what she was about to go through, I knew this was something I had to do.  The last time I talked to her, she said she was reading one of my poems to her friend.  To hear that she is still reading it over and over, that God is using this book to help someone cope with their pain just like He helps me cope with my pain…knowing that God can use me for that purpose brings joy to my heart.  I wish that everyone can know and feel the difference between happiness and joy.  Just having this feeling makes me want to give my book away for FREE!  But unfortunately, mission trips cost money if you’re going overseas.

I thank God for my Sister, Sarah Rose, because she opened my eyes to God’s purpose for my life.  I love you so much Sarah.  Please remember to put God first in your life.  NEVER let your friends, your wants, or your plans take HIS place in your life.

If you would like a copy of the book I dedicated to my little sister, CLICK HERE where I will get the most royalties, or CLICK HERE for convenience of purchase.

Here is a before picture of her x-ray:


Comments on: "RESULTS, RESULTS, RESULTS!" (1)

  1. Nice commemoration of your sister’s living

Please elaborate on what you read: