In A World Where Art Screams…Mentality Listens

Posts tagged ‘key’


One Key Too Late…Part Three

As his wife slips into bed,
He rushes to the shed.
And falls on his great knees.

“Oh Lord that awful look!
With it my heart she cooked.
What if she finally leaves?”

“Jesus, I understand!
Please help me be the man
You created me to be.”

“I’m tired of this mess.
Evil desires come with stress.
Please God, I’m ready, please!”

“Please forbid the Devil’s schemes.”

To be continued…

The last part of this poem is featured in Venus’ new book, Mentality Listens.  CLICK HERE to purchase from CreateSpace or CLICK HERE to purchase from


One Key Too Late…Part Two

“Please put the kids to bed.”

Don’t worry bout ‘ol Dad.

Why can’t I find those keys?


“Where are you going dear?”

The door is oh so near…

And so are these deep needs.


“I’m going to get bread.”

“Don’t wait up, ” I said

But she knows just what Bread means


He watched his wife look down

Then she slowly turned around

“They’re in your dirty jeans.”


Is she talking ’bout my keys?


To be continued…


One Key Too Late…

Torn between the two

Don’t know what to do

Can someone help me please


I’ve done this for so long

So, why can this be wrong

I’ve fallen to my knees


Calculating tears

Adding up the years

Summing up the fees


I think the time has come

For me to just move on

Where did I put my keys?


I’ve got to find my keys.


To be continued…